Company Departments
Function Together
Impose Control
Company departments:
The sewer contractor uses these departments to perform his administrative, planning, regulatory and operational activities.
The number of these departments varies from one company to another. It may increase or decrease in proportion to the size or to the way these companies are formed.
See Sample structure of Middle Size Company. Right-click to download this IMAGE file here.
For instance, company departments in large corporations in Saudi Arabia often need to expand in proportion to the business size, while small corporations rely on individuals who have the necessary experience to perform all the required work (those experienced individuals in this case perform the company departments' role).
Regardless whether the firms are large or not, the company departments must be linked properly to perform their roles effectively, and mainly are:
A- Impose a control of the firm's business.
B- Conduct the business in the right direction, to achieve the objectives of the top management.
Now, let's go through the following company departments, so we can take an idea about the role of each one of them:
Engineering Dept & Technical Office:
Usually, It's consisting of the following staff:1) Technical Director.2) Manager of Contracts and Bidding.3) Projects Manager.
The Technical Office:
This office is headed by the technical director. It consists of Qualified Engineers, Auto Cad Drafters and Quantity Surveyors to prepare the workshop drawings and the implementation details, such as designs and blueprints.
(Its role is to get the drawings and other papers approved by the consultant and the owner).
In some companies, the procurement dept follows the Technical Office to get the material approved by the consultant and deliver it to the job site.
Planning Dept: (Studies and Tendering)
Its role is to collect the information about many things, such as
A) The current projects, and the expected ones during the coming period.
C)Types of materials used in the work.
D)The current global developments about these materials.
E)Information about specialized exhibitions, which provide the company with the needed information about the suppliers of these materials and their different sources.
F)Responsibilities to follow up projects that are presented from the owners to study and apply to it.
G)Monitoring the current prices and update the records in this dept.
This dept covers all works that are carried in the Dept of Studies: 1) Pricing new projects competitively to achieve the company policy in line with the estimated budget. 2) Follow-up and design the necessary blueprints and archived them later.
Accounting Department
Finance Department
Contracts Department
IT Department
Purchasing Dept:
It consists of a Purchasing Manager with some representatives for bringing procurement bids to buy the materials. These bids must match the best prices and payment terms, which comply with the company's credit policy and liquidity, while ensuring the supply of materials on time.
Projects Dept:
This Dept is one of the important company departments. Its main role is to follow up:
1) Project working documents.
2) Projects implementation information and to compare them with the implementation rates set by the action plan.
3) To warn when there is a disruption and register the cause for it.
4) To check the material quantities used for each project and the usage rates compared to the progress of projects.
5) To watch the staff who works in the projects and compares it with the Action plan set for that purpose.
Conclusion: This dept is the company work observer.
Cost Control Dept:
It aims to control the company's projects cost. This part is important for the financial success of the projects in any company. Procedures include a frequent review of the basic cost information, and doing a detailed analysis for the data.
It also aims to keep the costs of the projects under the estimated cost budget. A further analysis should be done to identify the cost problems, by reviewing the total cost and cost deviations which may appear during the time, to make the necessary adjustments from the beginning.
Public resources' Coordination Dept:
This dept plays the role of the officer, who is responsible to arrange the needed resources for each project from the (Staff - Equipment - Material).
It coordinates the exact time of using these resources by watching the completion percentage for each project.
This dept is considered strategically important to build the base of the ideal use of the available resources, which helps in reducing the performance costs and raises the effectiveness of project's implementation in general.
Implementation Dept:
The main role of this dept is to coordinate between all work parts in the projects depending on (bill of quantities, human resources and timelines) for performing projects and registering all the current processes.
This dept works with the Project Dept to determine the implementation percentage according to time schedules and alert the administrator in case of any deviations.
Supervision Dept:
Its role is to take care and follows up performing of all current projects in the company. Also, its duty is to record and report the results of the supervision, and how to conduct a partial hand-over of any project and how to find out the causes of any false results.
Quality Control Dept:
It is interested to preserve the quality of administrative processes under way in the management and projects and to ensure the quality of the studies, implementation and supervision. Also, to ensure the quality of material used in the projects, and it shall register all quality assurance processes in the corporation activities.
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